# Astronomy books, last updated $Date: 2005/12/31 01:54:38 $ @Book{Alle63, author = "Allen, Richard Hinckley", title = "Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning", publisher = "Dover Publications, Inc.", year = 1963 } @Book{ArHy03, author = "Archinal, Brent and Hynes, Steven", title = "Star Clusters", publisher = "Willmann--Bell", year = 2003 } @Book{Burn78v1, author = "Burnham, Robert, Jr.", title = "Burnham's Celestial Handbook", publisher = "Dover Publications, Inc.", year = 1978, volume = 1 } @Book{Burn78v2, author = "Burnham, Robert, Jr.", title = "Burnham's Celestial Handbook", publisher = "Dover Publications, Inc.", year = 1978, volume = 2 } @Book{Burn78v3, author = "Burnham, Robert, Jr.", title = "Burnham's Celestial Handbook", publisher = "Dover Publications, Inc.", year = 1978, volume = 3 } @Book{Cook03v1, editor = "Cook, William J.", title = "The Best of Amateur Telescope Making Journal", publisher = "Willmann--Bell", year = 2003, volume = 1 } @Book{Cook03v2, editor = "Cook, William J.", title = "The Best of Amateur Telescope Making Journal", publisher = "Willmann--Bell", year = 2003, volume = 2 } @Book{Cook98, editor = "Cook", title = "The Hatfield Photographic Lunar Atlas", publisher = "Willmann--Bell", year = 1998 } @Book{Covi99, author = "Covington", title = "Astrophotography for the Amateur", publisher = "Willmann--Bell", year = 1999, edition = 2 } @Book{CrTi92, author = "Crosson and Tirion", title = "Binocular Astronomy", publisher = "Willmann--Bell", year = 1992, } @Book{Gear03, author = "Geary, Joseph M.", title = "Introduction to Lens Design with Parctical Zemax Examples", publisher = "Willmann--Bell", year = 2003 } @Book{Ghed82, author = "Ghedini", title = "Software for Photometric Astronomy", publisher = "Willmann--Bell", year = 1982 } @Book{HeKa90, author = "Henden, Arne A. and Kaitchuck, Ronald H.", title = "Astronomical Photometry -- A Text and Handbook for the Advanced Amateur and Professional Astronomer", publisher = "Willmann--Bell", year = 1990 } @Book{Inga96v1, editor = "Ingalls, Albert G.", title = "Amateur Telescope Making", publisher = "Willmann--Bell", year = 1996, volume = 1 } @Book{Inga96v2, editor = "Ingalls, Albert G.", title = "Amateur Telescope Making", publisher = "Willmann--Bell", year = 1996, volume = 2 } @Book{Inga96v3, editor = "Ingalls, Albert G.", title = "Amateur Telescope Making", publisher = "Willmann--Bell", year = 1996, volume = 3 } @Book{Kark99, author = "Karkoschka", title = "The Observer's Sky Atlas", publisher = "Willmann--Bell", year = 1999, edition = 2 } @Book{KeSa98v1, author = "Kepple, George and Sanner, Glen", title = "The Night Sky Oberver's Guide: Autumn and Winter", publisher = "Willmann--Bell", year = 1998, volume = 1 } @Book{KeSa98v2, author = "Kepple, George and Sanner, Glen", title = "The Night Sky Oberver's Guide: Spring and Summer", publisher = "Willmann--Bell", year = 1998, volume = 2 } @Book{KrBe97, author = "Kriege, David and Berry, Richard", title = "The Dobsonian Telescope: A Practical Manual for Building Large Aperture Telescopes", publisher = "Willmann--Bell", year = 1997 } @Book{Levy91, author = "Levy, David H.", title = "The Sky -- A User's Guide", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", year = 1991 } @Book{OMea02, author = "O'Meara", title = "Deep-Sky Companions: The {C}aldewll Objects", publisher = "Sky Publishing", year = 2002 } @Book{OMea98, author = "O'Meara", title = "Deep-Sky Companions: The {M}essier Objects", publisher = "Sky Publishing", year = 1998 } @Book{Penn97, author = "Pennington, Harvard", title = "The Year--Round {M}essier Marathon Field Guide", publisher = "Willmann--Bell", year = 1997, } @Book{Pric00, author = "Price, Fred W.", title = "The Planet Observer's Handbook", publisher = "Cambridge University Press", year = 2000, edition = 2 } @Book{Ratl00, author = "Ratledge, David", title = "Observing the Caldwell Objects", publisher = "Springer--Verlag", year = 2000 } @Book{Rees99, author = "Rees, Martin", title = "Just Six Numbers", publisher = "Basic Books", year = 1999 } @Book{RuvV88, author = "Rutten, Harrie and van Venrooij", title = "Telescope Optics", publisher = "Willmann--Bell", year = 1988 } @Book{Smit98, author = "Smith, Gregery Hallock", title = "Practical Computer-Aided Lens Design", publisher = "Willmann--Bell", year = 1998 } @Book{Suit94, author = "Suiter, Harold Richard", title = "Star Testing Astronomical Telescopes: A Manual for Optical Evaluation and Adjustment", publisher = "Willmann--Bell", year = 1994 } @Book{Swen80, author = "Swenson, G. W., Jr.", title = "An Amateur Radio Telescope", publisher = "Pachart Publishing House", year = 1980 } @Book{Texe84, author = "Texereau, Jean", title = "How to Make a Telescope", publisher = "Willmann--Bell", year = 1984, edition = 2 } @Book{TiRa00v1, author = "Tirion, Wil and Rappaport, Barry and Remaklus, Will", title = "Uranometria 2000.0 Deep Sky Atlas", publisher = "Willmann--Bell", year = 2000, volume = 1, } @Book{TiRa00v2, author = "Tirion, Wil and Rappaport, Barry and Remaklus, Will", title = "Uranometria 2000.0 Deep Sky Atlas", publisher = "Willmann--Bell", year = 2000, volume = 2, } @Book{TiRa00v3, author = "Tirion, Wil and Rappaport, Barry and Remaklus, Will", title = "Uranometria 2000.0 Deep Sky Field Guide", publisher = "Willmann--Bell", year = 2000, volume = 3, } @Book{TiSkXX, author = "Tirion, Wil and Skiff, Brian", title = "Bright Star Atlas 2000.0", publisher = "Willmann--Bell", year = "XXXX" } @Book{TrGe97, author = "Trueblood, Mark and Genet, Russell M.", title = "Telescope Control", publisher = "Willmann--Bell", year = 1997 } @Book{Whit99, author = "Whitaker, Ewen", title = "Mapping and Naming the Moon", publisher = "Willmann--Bell", year = 1999 }